Aryan Sharma

Aryan Sharma

twitter. github. email.

i'm working on induced to accelerate actionable ai. we are a lean team, with amazing backers, and we ship fast. join us!

i've been working in tech since i was 13. after high school, i got a full scholarship from eric schmidt (former google ceo) to attend any university in america, but i decided to continue building products on my own instead. in the time after, i've been fortunate enough to work with and learn from incredible founders/operators/investors around the world - and that's seeded a lot of my work and thinking.

this website is a WIP. i used to write essays a few years back, but now i spend most of my time working on induced. i plan to start writing again, mostly to capture a trend of changes in my thinking, but until then, my twitter is the best place to catch my thoughts.

inspired by nat, some things i believe:

  • “make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth.” — machiavelli. i would rather constantly bite more than i can chew, than settle for mediocrity and never know the extent of my capabilities.
  • speed is intelligence.
    • as a young person, your rate of progress is the best vector to measure growth and potential. while a lot of things in life can be thought of as chess, early on, you're almost always better off thinking of it as a race. inaction is just missed shots.
    • a lot has been said over the years about speed in the context of startups, but every week, i re-assess our speed internally. the faster you ship, the faster you learn, the faster you refine direction.
    • every acceleration eventually becomes a constant. recaliberate regularly.
  • startups
    • a lot has changed about software in the "post-gpt" era. over the past few years, saas/software has became a predictable and indexed business category.
    • i think we're going back to the time when venture returns are skewed only to risky, outlier and long term bets.
    • if you're a young technical team, you're better off focusing on building extraordinary product/tech advantage than picking distribution battles. creating software has never been easier, and thus, non-technical people with distribution are no longer at a disadvantage in most markets. the "tech" arbitrage opportunity is vanishing.
  • people
    • be kind, be direct and transparent. life is short.
    • don't be a gatekeeper, you lose out on compounding.
    • moments are fleeting, people endure.
  • what motivates me?
    • as we get closer to a post-scarcity world, we're all closing in on the fundamental question of metaphysics (why is there something rather than nothing?)
    • for some, the answer is hidden in space. for others, it's in studying history. as of now, my answer is hidden somewhere in accelerating our understanding of cognition and intelligence. someday, a super intelligent system can help us see through the chaos that clouds our understanding of the physical universe. all my work is a derivative of this broader pursuit. (i also don't have enough money to mine asteroids yet)
    • i like working with exceptional people who challenge and expand my worldviews. building a startup is by far the best way to do this quickly.

i will probably add more to this list soon — meanwhile feel free to say hi on!